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Overview of Sales Software Selecting and Customization Articles

By Thomas Eklund

This part of the website offers both theory and an example that is closely related to using that theory.

What CRM Sales Software Is Right For You? article addresses principles that help you to decide what CRM sales software, or contact management or other type of sales software is the best solution for your company, and what solutions you may want to avoid. If you implement the steps that are listed successfully, then it is very likely, that you will increase your company's total sales and, along the way, will generate increased earning opportunities for the sales personnel.

Sales CRM Example article describes a sales CRM example (SalesGetter CRM application prototype) that has been customized for a sales process. Either this, or a similar prospecting, sales process and customer relationship management application can be customized for individual companies needs, so that the end result is cost-effectively optimized for the best sales results.

Additional Relevant Resources

You may also want to check out the Sales CRM Software Development Example article that addresses creativity usage in business environment, using Sales CRM software selection and development processes description as a relevant example. That article discusses what is likely to happen when creativity management approaches are mixed up and messed up in business environment, so that self-expressive creativity is used in situations that require goal oriented creativity usage.