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CreativityModel Method Version Changes

Current Version of CreativityModel Method

CreativityModel Method Version 1.5 Changes

March 29, 2014

References to CreativityModel Global Alliance, Inc. and CreativityModel Enterprises, Inc. were removed, because both of these entities have been closed.

Attribution link was changed from

Attribution - You must attribute CreativityModel Method to CreativityModel Global Alliance, Inc. and create a link to its website:

or if creating a link is not possible, like in the case of printed material, print the website.


Attribution - You must attribute CreativityModel Method to Thomas Eklund as the author of this Method and create a link to the website where this Method is currently hosted:

If creating a link is not possible, like in the case of printed material, print the website.

Everything else remains the same as in CreativityModel Method Version 1.4.

CreativityModel Method Version 1.4 Changes

August 4, 2011

Two definitions were added to the Glossary:

Ability - A quality that is required for doing something.

Skill - Learned capacity to carry out pre-determined results.

Everything else remains the same as in CreativityModel Method Version 1.3.

CreativityModel Method Version 1.3 Changes

August 1, 2011

"Creative skills" was replaced with "creative thinking skills."

CreativityModel Method versions that have been published so far address primarily manageable thinking skills usage. In order to highlight this aspect more clearly than it was done before, the following changes were made:

Creativity definition was changed from

Creativity - Mental processes that are needed for generating qualitatively appealing solutions regardless of the project type. Every individual has the right to determine what is or is not qualitatively appealing in his or her opinion.


Creativity - Thinking activities and mental processes that are needed for generating qualitatively appealing solutions regardless of the project type. Every individual has the right to determine what is or is not qualitatively appealing in his or her opinion.

Creativity management definition was changed from

Creativity management - Management of the creative thinking skills that a person has, or a group of people have. That is, controlling, arranging and directing usage of the creative thinking skills that a person has, or a group of people have.


Creativity management - Management of creative thinking skills and other mental processes of an individual person or a group of people. That is, controlling, arranging and directing usage of the creative thinking skills and other mental processes of an individual person or a group of people.

CreativityModel Method definition was changed from

CreativityModel Method - All purpose creativity management method. CreativityModel Method usage helps to produce output that is qualitatively different from input so that coherent outcomes are assembled from elements that are created, stored, and accessed in a random order or in a coordinated fashion. Further, CreativityModel Method usage helps to achieve improved results effectively and efficiently within CreativityModel Method user's abilities. Enhanced results can be generated through computer usage, by doing Internet based and other types of research, by using additional sources of information and by working with other people.


CreativityModel Method - Creativity management method that focuses on creative thinking skills usage for development of coherent outcomes from elements that can be generated and added either in a coordinated fashion or in random order. CreativityModel Method addresses both self-expressive choice supported creativity and goal oriented creativity usage. CreativityModel Method usage helps to achieve improved results effectively and efficiently within CreativityModel Method user's abilities, experience and expertise.

Relevant changes were made throughout the sections and subsections of CreativityModel Method Version 1.3.

Everything else remains the same as in CreativityModel Method Version 1.2.

CreativityModel Method Version 1.2 Changes

July 12, 2011

A grammatical error was corrected: in two places in the Glossary the word "prospective" was replaced with the word "perspective."

Everything else remains the same as in CreativityModel Method Version 1.1.

CreativityModel Method Version 1.1 Changes

January 10, 2011

Compared to the previous CreativityModel Method Version 1.0, in CreativityModel Method Version 1.1 only two relatively small but clarifying and significant changes were made.

Creativity definition was changed from

Creativity - Skills that are needed for generating qualitatively appealing solutions. Every individual has the right to determine what is or is not qualitatively appealing in his or her opinion


Creativity - Mental processes that are needed for generating qualitatively appealing solutions regardless of the project type. Every individual has the right to determine what is or is not qualitatively appealing in his or her opinion.

Creativity management definition was changed from

Creativity management - Management of skills that are needed for generating qualitatively appealing solutions


Creativity management - Management of the creative thinking skills that a person has, or a group of people have. That is, controlling, arranging and directing usage of the creative thinking skills that a person has, or a group of people have.

Everything else remains the same as in CreativityModel Method Version 1.0.

Please note that in Version 1.3 "creative skills" was replaced with "creative thinking skills."